Hi There,
I'm Christian Andrei Arzadon

I’m currently learning

About Me

A Little About Myself

I'm Christian Andrei

Aspiring Web Developer

Greetings! I'm Christian Andrei T. Arzadon, a Computer Science student passionate about technology and exploring its complexities. My journey into the world of computing began with a simple fascination for what computers can do, and that curiosity has only grown stronger over time.

The Choice of Computer Science
My decision to study Computer Science stems from a desire to debunk the stereotype that Computer Science is only about using computers. I see it as a field that empowers individuals to become innovators and problem-solvers. I want to show that Computer Science is not just a subject but a mindset—an approach to tackling complex challenges in the digital age.

Gaming and Beyond
One of my greatest passions is gaming. I've always been captivated by the immersive worlds and intricate mechanics of video games. This passion goes beyond mere enjoyment; it's a driving force behind my aspiration to develop my own game someday. I see game development as a perfect fusion of art and technology, where creativity and technical expertise intertwine.

Age: 21

Email : arzadonchristianandrei@gmail.com

From : Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Skills & Abilities

Educational Background

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

College of Computing and Information Sciences | MMSU Batac Campus

2022-2024 | Pursuing

Information and Communications Technology

Immaculate Conception Academy | ICA Batac

2015-2021 | Completed

Projects Made